Labom Hydrogen Measurements
Labom has been making measuring devices such as the pressure transmitter for hydrogen applications for over 20 years. Hydrogen -proof stainless steels
Pricam Automation
represents these leading brands.
Labom has been making measuring devices such as the pressure transmitter for hydrogen applications for over 20 years. Hydrogen -proof stainless steels
Specialising in Flowmeters, Flow Measurement, Flow monitoring, Industrial Instrumentation.
Pricam Automation is an Australian owned and operated business. We represent high quality European and Australian flow meter and industrial instrumentation manufacturers. We offer extensive technical expertise, customer focussed engineering and applications knowledge across all industries backed by world class suppliers to enable the accurate measurement and control of liquids, gases and compressed air.
Pricam is a leader in flow measurement offering Expertise, Experience and Product Support.
Industries we cover
Contact us 03 9532 2235 or sales@pricam.com for all your flow meter and flow measurement needs.
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