Insertion Thermal Mass Flow Meter

The first step in reducing compressed air costs is to get a true and complete picture of the usage. VP Instruments develops, produces and supplies compressed air flow meters, nitrogen flow meters, thermal mass flow meters and energy management software. Solutions cover both the supply side and demand side.

  • Unique bi-directional multi-parameter flow sensor technology
  • Data loggers for flow, pressure, temperature, kW and other utilities
  • Web based energy management software
  • Monitoring systems for total compressed air management
  • Easy to use tools for installation
  • Hot tap equipment
VP instruments flowscope

Flow meter for dry air - VPFlowScope M

With the VPFlowScope® M you are ready for the future. This next-generation flow meter is Industry 4.0/IOT ready. Next to 4 .. 20 mA and RS485

VP Flowscope M - Short probe

Flow meter for dry air - VPFlowScope M P220

The VPFlowScope M P220 is a 4-in-1 insertion flow meter designed to measure bi-directional flow, pressure, temperature, and total flow in compressed air and technical gas systems. 

Ideal for tight spaces: The reduced insertion length makes it perfect for hard-to-reach areas while ensuring optimal measurement performance.

VP insertion flowmeter Compressed Air

Flow meter for wet air - VPFlowScope DP

The VPFlowScope® DP is the ultimate measurement tool for saturated compressed air flow measurements. The unique design enables you to take measurements in the discharge pipe

Additional information

Features and benefits

  • Three sensors in one instrument
  • For compressed air and technical gases
  • Patented VPSensorCartridge®: no more re-calibration required
  • Ethernet interface: Industry 4.0/IOT ready
  • Ultra compact size and low weight
  • Ethernet (Modbus/ TCP)
  • RS485 (Modbus RTU)
  • 4 … 20 mA linearized, pulse mode or alarm output
  • USB interface for configuration and downloading of data log files
  • Optional TFT color display
  • Optional data logger with up to 365 days @ 1 second interval + cyclic recording
  • Optional: Bi-directional


  • Compressed air audits
  • Nitrogen and technical gas flow measurements
  • Cost allocation
  • Leak detection
  • Pipe network optimization
  • Permanent monitoring


VP Studio is the software tool used to configure all VP Instruments products as well as viewing real-time measurements and retrieving data-log sessions. It can also be used to schedule log sessions and logging intervals. VP Studio communicates via your PC’s USB port.


VP Vision is the complete monitoring solution for compressed air, technical gases and energy management and makes energy savings easy, quick and rewarding. A flexible system platform gives you a clear picture of your usage, efficiency and costs. Using the latest web technology, it enables you to view data anywhere, anytime. The software can be customized to suit a single compressor or multiple compressors and sites. Configurable software lets you quickly analyze and link your relevant data in one place. VP Vision is can also be used to collect and present real-time data from other utilities.
VP Vision Sample screen




Maintaining the dew point of your air or gas system will prolong the lifetime of your equipment. Permanent monitoring enables you to detect and prevent problems on time.

VP Instruments dew point transmitters are designed for ease of use, incorporating all the features needed to make installation and operation as simple as possible. The calibrated transmitter can be instantly incorporated into your air or gas management and control system such as VP Vision.

VP dew point sensor


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